Certificato Tripadvisor
Certificato Tripadvisor


Aladino restaurant is open from Thursday to Sunday from 12:00 pm to 15:00 pm and from 19:30 pm to 23:00 pm. You can book by phone calling this numer 02.2040.27.34,or you can fill out the booking module located in the contact page.
We also have a parking lot which is located in Via Manicotti 23.


Or click here if you would like to request more information


Aladino restaurant is open from Thursday to Sunday from 12:00 pm to 15:00 pm and from 19:30 pm to 23:00 pm. You can book by phone calling this numer 02.2040.27.34,or you can fill out this booking module:


  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Informazioni, richieste speciali e intolleranze / allergie
    In base alla legge che tutela il trattamento dei dati personali 196/2003 autorizzo i proprietari del sito a gestire i miei dati personali per l'utilizzo legato ai fini della mia richiesta.